Community and volunteer serviceOutreach Programs
Our Outreach Ministries are the folks of St. Mark’s reaching out with care and concern to transform our community and treat neighbors like family. We host social gatherings, free meals (including breakfasts, lunches and dinners), and volunteer within the community.
Community Service
We take the Golden Rule seriously, extending our impact beyond our church home and into the homes and lives of Palatka and its many neighborhoods. We partner and collaborate with faith-based groups, civic organizations and non-profits. Our First Sunday Discretionary Fund and outreach ministries respond to the needs of our neighbors in Putnam County by offering housekeeping assistance, food bank services or clothing donations (to name a few). Some of the charities we work with on a regular basis are:
- Bread of Life (daily hot meals)
- Food Pantry (canned goods and fresh vegetables)
- Feed the Need (weekend backpacks of food for kids)
- Palatka Christian Service Center (clothing and household furnishings)
We also offer space for the following community services:
- AA weekly meetings M, Th, Sat 6:00 p.m.in our Classroom No. 3
- Free income tax preparation sponsored by AARP (February through April). Parish Hall
- Pilot Club – monthly meetings in our Parish Hall
Youth and Families
St. Mark’s offers classrooms for our Cub, Girl and Boy Scouts. Scouts earn merit badges for completing tasks related to learned skills and community service. Scouting activities can also include camps in Florida and the mountain ranges on the East and West coasts. To learn more, contact your local Scout Troop.
Each year St. Mark’s Scholarship Committee awards college, seminary, and vocational scholarships to church members and nominated candidates.
Volunteer Opportunities
To learn more about how you can get involved, please call (386) 328-1474 or email us at office@stmarkspalatka.org.
Episcopal Church Women
Our Episcopal Church Womens group (ECW) includes all the women – and men, too – in the church, and supports the immediate needs of our Church Family. This includes:
- Event planning for funerals and memorial services with home cooked buffet receptions in our Parish Hall
- High Tea Party in December
- Spaghetti dinner and Fish Fry Friday invitations for the congregation and neighbors in our historic neighborhood
- Daughters of the King (DOK), dedicated to maintaining a Prayer Warrior list and campaign for the sick and needy. The DOK members meet monthly on first Saturday of the month.
Episcopal Church Men
- Men in the Kitchen – volunteers who cook breakfast one Sunday a month
- Men On Buildings (MOB) – DIY and fixer-upper project
Volunteering at St. Mark’s
- Lay Worship leaders – worship services, home visits
- Lector reading – Sunday lessons from Old and New Testament
- Altar Guild – decorating and preparing for services
- Vestry members
- Building and Grounds – “green thumbs” and lay weeders